Slim x Rosie
Pointing Lab Litter Whelped March 11, 2024

Slim Pedigree
(Slim Redstone Wark)
Slim is a dog with medium drive and one who loves to work! Slim is what we look for, in that, he is an awesome retriever with great marking abilities. Slim also possesses a natural point which makes him what is thought to be, the total package! He is truly a talented dog and his genes are what makes it happen. I knew early on that he was the type of dog that I wanted to include into my pointing lines. His water drive is second to none, he will make a retrieve in any kind of water, in any weather.
Regarding his size, Slim is a medium sized lab at 68 pounds. Not a big bulky type of dog. I am sure he will pass along this size and body style to his offspring.
What really makes Slim a special dog is that he has all these hunting skills but he is also a great pet and companion. He possesses all the great people skills that you find in most labs. However, his owner says he can be a bed hog!
I have no doubts that the Slim / Rosie litter will be dogs of medium size and possess great natural hunting abilities. Rosie carries over forty years of my breeding. She is a great dog as well. She has that great lab personality and genetics too. I am very excited about this paring!!

Rosie Pedigree
(Paid Forward Radar’s Kentucky Rose)
Rosie is my Covid pup. She waited for over a year to get the attention she wanted. Thanks to my son, she did get some formal obedience training, and this was pretty much it. Rosie is one of my go to hunting dogs. She has a great point as well as she naturally backs when another dog is on point. Rosie has made her impression on several of the so called pointing dog believers. She simply does it!
Rosie is fifty pounds and a very dark yellow. She has the otter tail that we all like to see, as well. Her personality is infectious and she loves attention. Rosie is very smart and very trainable. While she loves hunting, she can sit beside me at the pond while I am fishing and be just as happy hanging out. Rosie is a three “P” dog, Personality, Point and Performance.
I have no doubts that Rosie crossed with Slim will produce awesome dogs. Their potential will only be limited by their owners. In other words, whatever your desire they are up to the task!!!
All dogs at Radar Kennel are OFA and DNA tested to make sure that you are getting a dog that is as healthy as possible. We don’t cut corners on this part of the breeding and pairing of our dogs.
Slim / Rosie puppies will have looks, personality, drive and style. They should be outstanding hunting dogs and companion dogs. A deposit of $100.00 is required to hold a pup. Please contact Radar Kennel by telephone or Pup Selection Form to reserve a pup from this litter.
Date Updated